50% off

Click on the button below to sign-up in flodesk and get 50% off on your first year (yeap, that’s right, get 50% off for 12 months).Plus your first month is free! Try it, it can help your business grow :)No compromise. No card is required to get started.

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

What is

Flodesk is an email marketing platform that helps you grow your business using email.The particularity of flodesk resides in its beautiful email templates, which you can use to send your (or your business) emails to your audience, leads, or customers.Flodesk interface is simple and straightforward, making it easy for you to create and send your first email.

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

Why should
you use email
to grow
your business?

Email marketing can help you in so many ways when it comes to growing your business. In recent years, a lot has changed in how businesses use marketing to grow. But despite all changes, it seems that email is stronger than ever.It wouldn’t be accurate to say that all, but really, a lot of successful businesses have a strong email marketing pillar.Email marketing has become one of the very best ways to sell nowadays.So, are you in yet?

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

your business

Use flodesk to complement other marketing efforts and communication channels that your business already has!If flodesk could help your business get even just a little bit more solid, and even just a little bit stronger…why not do that?

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

Some of the
things that you
can do with
email marketing

→ Generate leads;
→ share content;
→ grow your audience (as a creator, as a business, as an entrepreneur, as an influencer, as a writer, as an artist...);
→ grow your business (sell);
→ engage with your audience or customers;
→ promote (your business) events;
→ send reminders;
→ send product offers;
→ announce new product launches;
→ increase the visibility / presence of your business;
→ enhance customer loyalty;
and really, much more, you just have to get a little bit creative…

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

Why should you
use flodesk
as your
email marketing


First of all, flodesk allows you to create the most beautiful email templates, so you can delight your audience with beautiful emails they actually want to read.Flodesk has several pre-built templates so you can send your first email right away. Or maybe not like, right right away, but pretty fast!With flodesk it is easy to create and send your first email template, that you will be able to re-use afterwards whenever you want (once you create a template, it remains stored for further usage).


Two things about flodesk’s pricing...1Flodesk is one of the most (if not the most!) affordable email marketing platforms out there. That, for instance, is very appealing. But considering its design features it makes it a clear win!2Flodesk’s pricing is flat. While most (if not all!) email marketing platforms will charge you more money as your email list grows, flodesk pricing is forever flat!

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

What is
the price of

Flodesk's link in bio is free, forever.Its email marketing service has a flat price of $38 dollars per month -for unlimited email subscribers, regardless of how big your email list grows-.That means that flodesk will not charge you more and more money each month as your email list grows (as the vast majority of email marketing platforms would do).By using flodesk as your email marketing platform, you could literally save several hundred dollars each month if you grow a middle to a big email list over time.

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

$19 usd

Remember that by registering with the link below you have 50% off on your whole first year for flodesk's email marketing service.Your monthly price would then be $19 dollars per month (instead of $38 dollars per month).You’ll save $228 dollars (you'll save $19 dollars every month for 12 months).

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

Compare pricing

With flodesk

Number of email subscribers vs. monthly price500 subscribers - $19 USD
1,000 subscribers - $19 USD
3,000 subscribers - $19 USD
7,000 subscribers - $19 USD
12,000 subscribers - $19 USD
20,000 subscribers - $19 USD
80,000 subscribers - $19 USD
130,000 subscribers - $19 USD
210,000 subscribers - $19 USD
320,000 subscribers - $19 USD
460,000 subscribers - $19 USD
Consider that your email list can grow day by day.

With other email marketing platforms

Number of email subscribers vs. approximate (~) monthly price500 subscribers - ~$14 USD
1,000 subscribers - ~$24 USD
3,000 subscribers - ~$45 USD
7,000 subscribers - ~$70 USD
12,000 subscribers - ~$110 USD
20,000 subscribers - ~$140 USD
80,000 subscribers - ~$360 USD
130,000 subscribers - ~$450 USD
210,000 subscribers - ~$750 USD
320,000 subscribers - ~$1,100 USD
460,000 subscribers - ~$1,450 USD
Whoopsies! It seems obvious right?With a small email list (of less than a 1,000 email subscribers) prices between flodesk and other email marketing platforms can be very similar. Flodesk's price may even be higher with a few subscribers.But then prices start to change substantially as email lists begins to grow.*Prices can change from one email marketing platform to another, but the prices stated above are pretty conservative actually. You can compare prices yourself :)

Your email list growth in a year

Think of how much you can grow your email list in 1 year...in 2 years...in 3 years...Your list can grow quite a lot. It literally can grow every single day.With other email platforms, it can feel a little uncomfortable to grow, which doesn't make any sense.Over time, other email platforms could feel more as "a weight" -as they become more and more expensive- than as a true "business ally".

Gain some freedom

The truth is...not every email subscriber is going to be super active reading your emails (but many will!).But that happens to every business. This is not a message of worry, but of relief.Imagine that you started to grow your email list with a different email marketing platform, different from flodesk. Over time, your monthly price would increase.You could notice that some subscribers aren't opening their emails.With that, you probably would want to start cleaning your email list to lower your monthly price again...Then, you would face 2 challenges:1The challenge of having to spend time cleaning your email list, regularly. And...2The challenge of...What if some of the people that you want to take out of your email list are true potential customers of your brand? It's just that they have been super busy or traveling or whatever (and thus, they haven't opened the emails that you send them).

Flodesk gives you the freedom

As a business, you want to get the most out of every dollar you spend.Flodesk gives you the freedom to spend your time on your business, and on writing and sending your emails, instead of you having to spend your time on that kind of errands because you notice that your monthly price is increasing .With flodesk, you simply don't have to spend any time cleaning up your email list because with flodesk your monthly price is flat, regardless of how much you grow your email list every month.Enjoy! And grow! ;)

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

How do you
capture your
emails and get
leads for your

With a flodesk link in bio.You can create your own link in bio pretty fast, within some minutes.Since flodesk is an email marketing platform, every flodesk link in bio has a section that allows you to collect emails.

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

What's the
purpose of

Ultimately, the purpose of building an email list is that you sell to your email subscribers. Simple as that.-That doesn't mean that every email is going to be "salesy". You can alternate your emails sending emails with valuable content related to your products / services, and then sending emails that talk about your products / services. 1 and 1.Oooor, you could alternate in the same email. You could write valuable content related to your products / services and add links that direct people to buy your products / services, all in the same email.For example, if your business sells a food product, you can write emails about a recipe (valuable content) that your readers can cook with your product, and then add the link to your product.Go to section 4 to see other ideas of what you can do with an email list...But anyways, that! Ultimately, the purpose of growing an email list is sales, sales, sales! To grow your business using emails as a medium to generate sales.

Importance of an email list

An email list can complement other marketing and sales efforts of your business.But, even so, it could be one of the strongest ones!Having an X number of email subscribers - email list will bring greater benefits to your business than having the exact same number of followers in your social media accounts.An email list could even bring you greater benefits than having a website (if you have both, better!). I once heard a successful woman entrepreneur who said that most of the sales of her business came through email..!An email list allows you to go back to people, into their inboxes. It gives you control over something. Because you never know when they're gonna' come back to your social media accounts or your website. But with an email list, you can get back to them!In a sense, an email list is more powerful than other marketing and sales means.

Expect $1 dollar...

Just as email marketing is good for your business, having a big email list also matters!Your email list size is directly proportional to the money that you can expect to make in your business using email marketing.So yes! your email list size is important...*No income claims buuuut...Many marketing experts say that, on average, you can expect to make $1 dollar per month for every subscriber that you have on your email list...Following that logic, with 1,000 email subscribers you can expect to make $1,000 dollars, on average, every month.As I said, that's what some marketing experts take as a reference number when it comes to email marketing.Remember that it is: On Average. So, maybe, from 1,000 email subscribers, you can have 900 that don't bring any income to your business on X month, and 100 that bring $10 dollars each, for example.Or 950 email subscribers that don't generate you any income. And 50 who bring $20 dollars each to your business, on a given month, for example.Every business is different, just as the effort that's put behind it. So this is not! an income claim ;)...I just write about what some marketing experts take as a reference.You can take that reference, too. That is why having (and growing) an email list is important for your business :)So, try to constantly (every day) get people to sign-up into your email list. It will help you a lot :)And finally: be patient, you got every single day to grow your list, little by little, like a piggy bank.

Some people may not follow you

Consider that some of the people who visit your social media accounts (where you post your flodesk link in bio) does not follow you.Yeah, so what?Having a link in bio that captures emails can get you leads -potential customers-. If you give people a clear Call To Action (CTA) to click on your link in bio and a good reason to sign-up to your email list, many will.You can get the email of people who where "passing by" your social media accounts (people who doesn't follow you), and still prospect them -with your emails, on their inbox- and sell them your valuable products or services!A form (on your website) or a link in bio (in your social media accounts) that captures emails could be the only way for you to go back to many people and still be able to sell them your products or services.


Sending regular emails will help you position your brand in people's minds. They'll be more aware of it, and little by little they will become familiar with it.Hey! But just one tip...do not spam :) An email list is a valuable asset for your business. Don't burn it by sending too many emails.Avoid sending more than 1 email a day. I'd say 1 email a day is the most that you should send. But it's your business, you decide! ;)An email every 2 days (which is 15 emails per month), every 3 days (which is 10 emails per month), or every 4 days (which is 7 emails per month) is still super fine!On the other hand, you do want to keep your business awareness on! Which means, do not let more than 1 week go by without sending an email. Just a few tips!

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

Link in bio

Create your own flodesk link in bio to start building your email list today!

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

Link in bio

The following are the things that you can customize in your flodesk link bio...

Logo and image

You can add your business logo (if you have one, if not, don't worry).You can add an image of yourself or an image of your business products or services to your link in bio.

Add your links

You can also do what a link in bio allows you to do, which is to share your personal links...→ Like a link to your personal or professional website, for example;
→ links to other websites or platforms;
→ or links to your different social media accounts ("my YouTube channel" - link, "follow me on TikTok" - link, "my Instagram" - link, and so on).
You can add your business links...→ Like a link to your business website;
→ links to different products;
→ links to products on sale;
→ links to featured products;
→ links to new arrivals, new content, or new products;
and so on.

Add text

If you want, you can also add some text (some paragraphs) to your flodesk link in bio.May be you want to share...→ A bit of your personal story;
→ a bit of your business story;
→ or may be you want to write a paragraph about something about your business, like an upcoming event, and you want to give people specific directions on how to get there, for example.
You really can write about anything. Just know that you have that option, in case you want to use it.

Text alignment

If you do add text (paragraphs), you can align it to the left, to the center, or to the right.Titles and button text can also be aligned to the left, to the right, or to the center.


And you can certainly use different font styles, both in the buttons and in the texts.So it'll be easy that you find one that matches your business personality, or simply that you find one that you like! :)


You can customize the size of any font. This includes regular text (paragraphs), titles, and the text of the buttons:→ For your Call To Actions, for example, "sign-up to download the free X guide";
→ or the links that you add, for example, "my instagram", "products on sale 20% off".


You can also customize your link in bio buttons.→ TextCustomize the text of your buttons (the Call To Action you are going to give people to get them to sign-up to your email list). For example:"Subscribe to receive X"
"Download the free X guide"
"Receive a 20% coupon"
→ ShapeCustomize the shape of each button (rounded corners, squared).→ ColorCustomize the color of your buttons and the color of the text that goes on each one of them→ FontsCustomize de fonts of each button. You could use the same font on every button, but you could also alternate and use different fonts on different buttons.

Background color

Customize the background color of your flodesk link in bio.Match it with the color -or colors- of your brand. There are plenty!

Just play!

Just play with your link in bio customization. Try different things so you can get a link in bio that you want and like! ;)

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)


Flodesk's analytics allow you to measure several aspects of your emails. This is good for you because it allows you to focus more on what is working, and less on what is not working so well.By knowing your business analytics you can improve and get better. Over time, your analytics can help you become more efficient.Remember that we can only improve what we can measure.For example, you could start measuring the percentage of Opened emails, and then, in new emails that you send, you could repeat the same email titles that you notice that performed best, with the highest Open rates.Specifically, flodesk allows you to see (or measure)...


→ Sent emailsIs the number of email subscribers that your email was sent to - this number is available for any email you send.→ Delivered emailsIs the number of email subscriber mailboxes that your email was delivered to (it shows the number of emails that "made it" to your audience's inbox) - this number is available for any email you send.→ Opened emailsIs the number of email subscribers that opened an email you sent - this number is available for any email you send.→ Clicked emailsIs the number of email subscribers that clicked on links inside your email, if you added any - this number is available for any email you send.→ Bounced emailsIs the number of emails that bounced (were not delivered) - this number is available for any email you send.→ Spam emailsIs the number of emails that your email subscribers marked as spam - this number is available for any email you send.→ UnsubscribedIs the number of email subscribers that unsubscribed from your email list - this number is available for any email you send.


Flodesk also shows you some percentages, the most important ones...→ Delivered emailsIs the percentage of email subscriber mailboxes that your email was delivered to (it shows the percentage of emails that "made it" to your audience's inbox) - this percentage is available for any email you send.→ Clicked emailsIs the percentage of email subscribers that clicked on links inside your email, if you added any - this percentage is available for any email you send.→ Opened emailsIs the percentage of email subscribers that opened an email you sent - this percentage is available for any email you send.

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

Other cool
of flodesk

Segment your email subscribers

Your flodesk link in bio allows you to collect emails and grow your email list, but it also allows you to segment your list. It is an option that you have, in case you want to use it.List segmentation allows you to send every new email subscriber to a specific email list - depending on his or her preferences.So for example, in your link in bio, you can ask your email subscribers something like..."What are you interested in hearing about?"...and then you give them several options, that you yourself customize. Each option that they choose is an email list that they will be sent to.The idea is that you write specific types of emails for each email list that you have, if you decide to have multiple email lists.Once again, this is optional. The fastest way to start building your email list really is with just 1 list. But know that you have the option to segment your email subscribers in case you find it useful for your business.To learn in detail how to segment your email list, go to section 20.

Email checkout - sell digital products

You can also use flodesk to sell digital products.Flodesk can be integrated with Stripe, and you can add a checkout option in your emails that allows you to sell directly in them.That's right! Your email readers / email subscribers can purchase your products inside the emails you send them, without ever having to leave the page!As soon as someone pays for your digital product, it is automcatically delivered to your customer's inbox.But once again, the cool feature about this is that you can embed a checkout button in your emails, meaning you can receive payments with your emails.To see some ideas of digital products you can sell, go to section 27.

Workflows (automate your emails)

If you want, you can create flodesk workflows to configure email automations.For example, you can offer a lead magnet -like a freebie or a short freebie- to get people to sign-up to your email list. With a workflow, your lead magnet will be delivered automatically once people sign-up to your email list.You could also deliver a "Thank you" or a "Welcome" email automatically to your new email subscribers as soon as they sign-up to your email list.Other workflows that you can create is to program a series of emails that will be sent automatically after a period of time that you determine once a new subscriber joins your list.The main objective of setting a workflow is to save time on recurring tasks and to make your business much more efficient. Remember that automation beats motivation, every time ;)Set it once. Enjoy it time and time again.

Workflow templates

You can create your own email workflows from scratch. But flodesk has some workflow templates that you can use as well, depending on what's your goal with that specific workflow.Workflow pre-made templates include...→ Welcome sequence - emails;
→ lead magnet delivery - email;
→ sales sequence - emails;
→ and nurture sequence - emails.

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

Other ways in
which you can
use flodesk

Embed a flodesk inline form in your website

If you already have a personal or a business website, you can embed a flodesk inline form into it. That way, apart from collecting emails with your link in bio -which you post in your social media accounts-, you will be able to collect emails from your website as well.When you embed an inline flodesk form in your website, it is fixed. That is, it doesn't appear out of nowhere like popup forms.


Just as an inline flodesk form, you can also embed a flodesk popup form in your website, if you prefer this style for capturing emails.Popups differ from inline forms in that they are not fixed on your website, but appear out of nowhere.You can decide to display your popup form:→ Immediately, just after a visitor comes to your website;
→ 10 seconds after a visitor comes to your website;
→ 30 seconds after a visitor comes to your website;
→ or when a visitor scrolls 30% of your website.

But consider this...

If you don't have a website yet, it doesnt' matter!It is way more important that you start collecting emails and that you start building your list right away. Do you remember what marketing experts say...? That you can expect $1 dollar a month for every subscriber on your email list? (read full on section 9)If you don't have a website yet, you will still be able to collect emails and get business leads using your flodesk link in bio, which you can create in a matter of minutes.When it comes to business, building an email list can be more important than having X number of social media followers or than having a website. If you had to choose, I recommend that you start building your email list, first! ;)An email list allows you to go back to your leads directly into their inbox. And it allows you to sell them.People will have your business more present (in their minds) if they receive emails from you from time to time, than if they follow you on social media. Most people follow hundreds of social media accounts, making it difficult for them to remember one account in particular.But even more important, the point of building an email list is that every person who signs-up in your email list is considered a lead for your business (see section 15).

Full page forms, use them as a landing page!

Another cool feature of flodesk are its full page forms, which you can use as a landing page.You can really use these forms however you want, but I'm thinking that they can be especially useful if you run ads with the purpose of capturing leads for your business.A flodesk full page form focuses on text. So, you can use one of these to describe your offer in detail.You could even use a flodesk full page form as a link in bio, if you prefer to. To see some examples, go to section 16.How is a flodesk full page form different from a flodesk link in bio? they mainly differ in 1 thing: links.A flodesk link in bio allows you to add text and links to it, while a flodesk full page form only allows you to add text.And which one should you use? it depends on your business, and your tastes. You can capture emails and get leads with both.If you have a business with multiple products, then a link in bio with links might be more useful for you. If your business has 1 or 2 main offers, then maybe a full page form might work best for you. But in the end it goes back to one thing...which one do you like the most?Play with both, flodesk full page forms and flodesk links in bio to see which one do you prefer...But again!And regardless of whether you use a flodesk full page form as a link in bio or not, a flodesk full page form can be very useful to run ads and get leads anyways! :)

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

What is a lead?

The reason why you want to build an email list is to get email subscribers, or leads. Each email subscriber represents a lead for your business.A lead is anyone who has interest in your business, or in the products or services that you offer.Even if a lead doesn't buy from you right away (when she / he joins your email list), and even if she / he doesn't buy at all (in the future either), any person who has an interest in what you do and what you offer represents a lead for your business.Basically, every email subscriber (or lead) that you capture in your email list is your potential customer. That's why it is important to grow your email list, which is your lead base.In general terms, people who sign-up to your email list may have some tendency to buy your products or services. Remember that they join your list voluntarily. They fill in their details (name and email) because they have an interest in what you do, offer, and sell.Unlike other marketing means, an email list allows you to go back to your leads, or potential customers. And in that sense, it gives you control over something.And...unlinke other marketing means, YOU OWN your lead base (your email list). Take an instagram account as an example. An instagram account can be closed at any moment by the platform and the (former) owner just lost a lot of time and effort that went away with his / her (former) instagram account. The same can happen on other platforms as well. It seems that "we own" our social media accounts, but we really don't.Building a lead base -or email list- is super important. Try to get as many people as possible from your followers (from social media) into your email list, which is something that you actually own.To see some ideas on how to get leads and grow your email list, go to section 26.

Own your flodesk email list

Download your email list periodically as it grows.From your flodesk dashboard...1. Go to the section "Audience".2. Then click on the name of your email list.3. Then click on the 3 dots, besides the black button that says "Add subscriber" and download your email list.Receive a CSV file with all your email subscribers to your email, download it, and then save your email list CSV file in your laptop.Done!

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

Build your list

Use your flodesk link in bio to start building your business email list today!Building an email list can bring a great positive impact to your business. Try it, you may be surprised!Sign-up and start editing your link in bio in a matter of minutes. Then share your link in your social media platforms to start building your list :)To see some ideas on how to get leads and grow your email list, go to section 26.

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

links in bio

Link in bio

Take a look at some examples of different flodesk links in bio that you can create for yourself.The following examples are specifically called "Link in bio" (you will find them with this name in your flodesk dashboard).Apart from being able to build your email list, a flodesk link in bio allows you to add links.If you have a business that offers multiple products or services, a flodesk link in bio can be very useful because you will be able to add multiple links that lead to each one of your products / services.Take a look at the examples...

Full page form

You can also use a flodesk full page form as a link in bio.The following examples are specifically called "Full page" (you will find them with this name in your flodesk dashboard).A flodesk full page form focuses on text. And it differs from a link in bio mainly because it does not allow you to add links.Full page forms are also beautiful and aestetic.In a sense, a full page form may work better for capturing emails and building your list because people don't get distracted with links.If you have an offer with a few products, this could work well for your business, because you can describe your offer in detail.Take a look at the examples...

Which one...

Both a flodesk full page form and a flodesk link in bio are cool! But it all comes down to...which one do you like the most?That's it! Go with your feeling :)


To see all the customization options you have, go to section 11.

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

How to edit
your link
in bio
-do it from a
or desktop-

Once you've sign-up in flodesk...

1. Create your link

*Note: this link will work either for a link in bio or for a full page form that you choose to use as a link in bio.To create your link, follow the next steps:1. Login to your flodesk account from a laptop or a computer.2. Then, on your flodesk dashboard, click on the circle that has a letter inside that is located in the upper right corner of your dashboard.If you cannot see the circle, just click on the "flodesk" logo to go to your main dashboard and you will be able to see it.3. After clicking on the circle, click on "Overview".4. Then scroll down to where it says "Flodesk handle".Your flodesk handle is your link in bio name. By default, flodesk assigns you a "Flodesk handle" name (which is pretty random).To change your flodesk handle (or link in bio) name, click on the pencil that is located on the right side of your "Flodesk handle" section and edit it.Choose a name that you like.It can be anything: your name, the name of your business, a number, a name and a number, your instagram name, or any name that you like, as long as it hasn't been used yet.The name of your link in bio will appear like...nameyouchoose.myflodesk.comFor example:yourname.myflodesk.com
More specific examples...ana.myflodesk.com
You get the idea...Choose a name for your link in bio that you like, and save it. Now to step 2.

2. Edit your link

Once you have your flodesk link in bio name ready, you can start editing it.1. Click on the "flodesk" logo to go back to your main dashboard.2. Then click where it says "Forms", at the top of the page.3. Then click on the black button that says “New form”, on the right side of the page.4. Then click on either “Link in bio” or "Full page", on the left side of the page, depending on whether you want to create your link in bio with one or the other.5. For either of the 2, you will see some pre-made templates. Check the different options, choose one that you like and click on it to start editing it.6. Once you click on the template that you like, flodesk will ask you to "Choose a segment"......what is that?A segment is the name of the email list where your new subscribers will be sent to when they sign-up.If don't plan on having multiple email lists (but rather, just 1) then you can simply name your segment "my list", or however you like.Once you do that, you can proceed to edit your link in bio.And there you go! Start playing with your link in bio. Add photos, links, text, customize your fonts, your buttons, and so on...:)

(a parenthesis)

Having just 1 email list is the fastest way to start building your email list. And in the long run, it could be less messy (than having multiple lists).However if you want to build several lists go to section 20 to see how list segmentation works.

3. Point your link to your link in bio

When you are editing your link, do this:1. Click where it says “Settings”, at the top right corner of the page.2. Then click where it says "Link".3. Then, turn on the button that says "Use Flodesk handle for this page".Done!Once you do that, your flodesk link (step 1) will point to the link in bio that you are editing.

4. Refresh your flodesk link in bio on your cell phone

Now that you have your link ready and pointing to your link in bio, you can see your link in bio in your cell phone as you edit it! :)Constantly refresh your link in bio in your cell phone to see your progress and to see how beautiful and gorgeous it looks!This will help you see how your audience and link in bio visitors will actually see your link in bio.Much success in building your email list ;)

Save your work

To save your work, simply click on the "flodesk" logo that is at the top left side of the page.And just click on your link in bio or full page form again to continue editing it.

Share it on your social media

When you have your link in bio finished, share it on your social media platforms.Time to start building your email list and start growing your business with email marketing!To see some ideas on how to get leads and grow your email list, go to section 26.

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

Your link in bio
is free!

Did I mention that your link in bio is free?I think I didn't, but it is!

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)


How to segment your email list

Flodesk allows you to segment your email subscribers.If you choose to segment your email list, when a new email subscriber signs-up to your email list, he / she will be sent to a specific email list, depending on his or her preferences.You create the options that people will have to choose from -to receive emails about- depending on your business (see an example below).The main idea of list segmentation is that people will not receive emails on subjects that they are not interested on, but rather, that they only receive emails on topics that interest them.-Steps to segment your email list.First...To create your "Segment" lists:1. Click on the "flodesk" logo to go to your general dashboard.2. Then click on "Audience", at the top of the page.3. Then click on "Segments".4. And then click on the black button that says "New segment", to create your list. Each "Segment" is 1 email list.-Second...To create the options / topics that people will have to choose from (to receive emails about), you do it directly from your link in bio, when you edit it (either in a link in bio template or in a full page form template).Click on the multiple option checkboxes and edit the text to introduce your options (what people can choose to receive emails about).You have to link each of the options / or topics that you give to your link in bio visitors to each "Segment" (or list), where they will be sent to when they sign-up. You will see this on the right side of your dashboard when you edit each option / topic.*Note: not all the link in bio or full page form templates have the list segmentation option availabe.If you want to segment your list within the same link in bio, look for the templates that have multiple option checkboxes just under the name and email capture line / box.-Example of email list segmentation...Let's say you have a store that sells products for the following sports: outdoor sports, baseball, soccer, and swimming.You could use flodesk's list segmentation to create one email list (or "Segment") for each sport. And when you edit your link in bio, you would put each of those options / sports in it -1 option in each checkbox-.You can ask your link in bio visitors something like..."What would you like to hear about?" (remember that you customize each option)(Option 1) "Outdoor sports products, new arrivals, discounts and news".(Option 2) "Baseball products, new arrivals, discounts and news".(Option 3) "Soccer products, new arrivals, discounts and news".(Option 4) "Swimming products, new arrivals, discounts and news".So, when someone visits your link in bio and subscribes to your email list, she / he will choose what she / he is interested in hearing about.A subscriber can choose multiple options (multiple checkboxes), if she / he wants to. In that case, your new subscriber will be sent to multiple lists (or "Segments").For this example, you would have to create one list (or "Segment") for each sport in your store.Remember that when you edit your link in bio you will link each option to its designed list or "Segment".In this example, if I subscribe to your email list and I only care about fishing or outdoors, I would subscribe to the "Outdoor sports" email list. And I wouldn't receive any emails on soccer, baseball, or swimming subjects.Anyways!That is what list segmentation is about.As I said before, you can start building just 1 "Segment" (meaning, just a general email list) and over time, if you think that list segmentation can be useful for your business, then you start segmenting your email subscribers.-Some things to consider about email list segmentation...List segmentation can be a good and a bad thing, depending on how you see it. Let me explain.For instance, it requires more work from you. Your work would be multiplied according to the number of lists or "Segments" that you create.With list segmentation, you would have to send specialized emails for each "Segment" that you have.In the last example, you would have to send specialized emails for your "Outdoor sports" list, specialized emails for your "Baseball" list, specialized emails for your "Soccer" list, and specialized emails for your "Swimming" list.What can you do instead?Instead of segmenting your whole email list, you can simply build 1 list (1 "Segment") and instead, you could segment the emails that you send by subject, depending on what you want to talk about on that day.In the end, if people sign-up to an email list of a sports store, they have something in common (they like sports). They could even recommend (resend) your email to another person (friend or family) who likes a different sport than they do.List segmentation can be useful though in some situations. If you have a clothing store, for example, you could "Segment" your list by "Men's clothing" and "Women's clothing". But again, you can also simply segment every email you send by the topics "Men's clothing" and "Women's clothing", rather than segmenting your entire list.I find it way more simple to build an email list without segmentation (in other words, to build just 1 "Segment"). But in the end, it is up to you. This feature can be really useful for your business, or it might not be so much, but only you know that. It depends on each business in particular.*Note: if you decide to segment your email subscribers, you will still have a general list (or "Segment") called "All subscribers", where all your email subscribers go.Besides the "All subscribers" list, your email subscribers will also go to the specific list that they chose.In the example of the sports store, you would have 5 lists ("Segments"):1 list for "All subscribers";
1 list for "Outdoor sports";
1 list for "Baseball";
1 list for "Soccer";
and 1 list for "Swimming".
And in the example of the clothing store, you would have 3 lists:1 list for "All subscribers";
1 list for "Men's clothing";
and 1 list for "Women's clothing".
This means that, if you choose to segment your email subscribers, you will still be able to send emails to all of them by sending emails to your "All subscribers" list.Even if you segment your list, you can do that (send emails to everybody) whenever you want.I hope you find this helpful ;)Take a look at the following examples of list segmentation within the same email capture form. These email capture form templates (link in bio or full page form templates) have multiple option checkboxes that you can edit.Capture forms with multiple option checkboxes allow your link visitors to choose what type of emails they want to receive.

Create additional capture forms

You also have the option to create additional email capture forms. You can create as many as you want.Creating several capture forms can be another way to segment your business' email list.How is this different from email list segmentation within 1 email capture form?Some flodesk templates (not all) offer you the possibility to segment your email subscribers within the same email capture form (link in bio or full page form). This means that you can put multiple option checkboxes in your link in bio or full page form so that your link in bio visitors can choose what emails they want to receive.As I mentioned before, in that case, you would have to link each option to its designed "Segment" or list, where your email subscribers will be sent to once they sign-up.But if a template that you like doesn't offer that possibility (to add checkboxes) and you still want to segment your email list, then you can create several email capture forms, and link each one of them to a different "Segment" (or list).The only "disadvantage" in such case is that you would have to post several links (1 for each email capture form that you create) on your social media accounts. So, it can be confusing for your audience and link visitors. And overall, it is less "simple" than segmenting your email list within the same (within 1) email capture form.-If you decide to create multiple email capture forms, each one of them will have its own link.But since you used your main link...yourlinkname.myflodesk.com...with your link in bio, now you have to create additional links for each of your additional email capture forms.Remember that you pointed your main link to your link in bio. So, for any additional email capture forms, their link will be an extension of your main link.For example, if your main link is...yourlinkname.myflodesk.com;then your additional links would be...yourlinkname.myflodesk.com/list2;
The extension for your additional link # 1 would be "list2";
the extension for your additional link # 2 would be "list3";
and the extension for your additional link # 3 would be "list4".
Obviously, you can name your link extensions as you want, this is just an example.To create an additional link, follow these steps:1. Create a new email capture form (a link in bio or a full page form).2. Then choose the "Segment" where its subscribers will go to.Remember, the idea with this way of list segmentation is that you create as well 1 "Segment" for each email capture form.You can create a new "Segment" when you choose a "New form" (a link in bio or a full page form).After you click on your "New form", flodesk asks to "Choose a segment". You simply name (type) a new "Segment" that hasn't been saved yet, click "Enter" on your keyboard and then click "Save".Now, you can start editing your new email capture form.But let's continue with our subject...where do you find the link to your new email capture form?3. When you start editing your new email capture form, click on "Settings" at the top right corner of the page.4. Then click on "Link", at the top of the page.5. Then click on the pencil that is on the right side to edit (rename) your link. Your link extension must have at least 3 characters.Done! ;)-Let me tell you about another idea in which you can use list segmentation, also by creating multiple email capture forms.While the main way to capture emails is to post the same email capture form (1 link in bio or 1 full page form) on every social media account that your business has......another way can be...to create 1 email capture form for each social media account that your business has, and to create 1 "Segment" (or list) where the subscribers of each email capture form will be sent to when they sign-up.In other words, that you create 1 email capture form and 1 "Segment" for each social media platform that you use for your business.If you have 2 different accounts for your business in the same social media platform, then you create 2 email capture forms, and 2 "Segments". Plus those of other social media platforms.When I say "email capture form" I mean, a link in bio or a full page form (since popups and inline forms can only be used -embeded- in a website).Having 1 email capture form for each of your business' social media accounts can help you measure your different traffic sources.As your email "Segments" (or lists) begin to grow, you will notice which one is growing more. And thus, you will notice which email capture form is bringing more email subscribers / leads to your business.That way, you can measure your traffic by each particular social media account that your business has.Remember that in this case, the idea is that you create 1 email "Segment" as well for each social media account that your business has. And that you link that "Segment" to its email capture form (1 email capture form and 1 "Segment" for each social media account).So for example...Let's say that your business has 5 social media accounts (2 on instagram, 1 on youtube, 1 on facebook, and 1 on tiktok). In that case, you would create 5 email capture forms and 5 "Segments" -1 for each email capture form- where your email subscribers will be added to when they sign-up.Example...yourlinkname.myflodesk.com/instagram1;
And 1 for your website, if you have one (in this case, your email capture form would either be an inline form or a popup)...yourlinkname.myflodesk.com/website.The main idea with this is that you see how each of your different traffic sources (social media accounts) is performing, in terms of attracting email subscribers / leads to your business.After you notice which "Segment" or list of all your social media accounts is growing more;...meaning, which email capture form is getting you more email subscribers (or leads) for your business;...meaning, which social media account is getting you more email subscribers (or leads) for your business;...then you can replicate what you are doing on that social media account, on all your other social media accounts.Take a look at the following examples...The idea with this type of email segmentation is that you measure which of all the social media accounts that your business has is bringing more email subscribers (leads) to your business. So that you can replicate what you do on your top performer account, on the rest.1 email capture form (a link in bio or a full page form) and 1 "Segment" (or list) for each social media account of your business...

I have mentioned that the easiest way (for me!) is to just create 1 email capture form (just 1 full page form or just 1 link in bio) and post it in all the social media accounts of your business.I think that it is the best way, mainly, due to simplicity.But anyways!I just gave you some other different ideas that you may find useful for your business.Remember that......you can link different email capture forms with the same email "Segment" or list, so that all the email subscribers of all those email capture forms are sent to 1 email "Segment" only.And remember as well that......with list segmentation, you can link each email capture form to its own "Segment" or list, where your email subscribers will be sent to, once they sign-up.You can use any capture form to "Segment" your email list. Whether that is:A popup form in your website;
a link in bio for social media;
an inline form in your website;
a full page form for social media;
or multiple of the above.
-Just play...Just play with your flodesk dashboard and email capture forms to better understand how flodesk works and see what's best for your business! Whether that is to "Segment" your email subscribers, or not.You certainly don't have to use many email capture forms. You can use just 1 (and build just 1 "Segment").But it's your choice! ;)I wanted to give you some ideas. I hope you find this helpful.

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

all in one

Sign-up in flodesk to create a beautiful and super practical link in bio that will help you grow your business using email marketing.Creating email campaigns for your business may bring you some very good surprises! Email marketing may be a hidden opportunity to grow your business.If you have never used email marketing to grow your business before, this is your sign. This is your opportunity to get started (+ at a discounted price).:)Start building your business email list with the best email marketing platform and in the most aesthetic way.

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

How to send
your first email

We've talked a lot about how to create your link in bio......and about the benefits that email marketing can bring to your business...But now, lets get to it. How do you send emails?Once you start growing your email list, it is time for you to start sending your first emails.Remember that you can start growing your email list pretty fast. Literally, since the very first day that you post your flodesk link in bio / or full page form in the social media accounts of your business.Every person who joins your email list is your lead, aka, your potential customer. So, don't wait until your email list is too big to start sending emails.


To send an email, follow these steps:1. Login to your flodesk account from a laptop or a desktop.2. Click on the flodesk logo to go to your general dashboard.3. Then click on "Emails", at the top of the page. Then, click on the black button that says "New email".4. Choose a template that you like. You can also start your email from scratch, if you want.To start an email from scratch, look for the option that says "Start from scratch", located on the left side of your dashboard, all the way to the bottom.Or click on the template that you like, and then, click on the black button that says "Customize it" to start editing it.5. Edit your email template.Play with your customization. You can customize your buttons (if your email has buttons), your fonts, your font sizes, your colours...Add some images to your template, if the template that you chose has images......you can add images of something related to your products or your services......or a photo of yourself, if you have a coaching business, for example...If you're a realtor, you can either add an image of some properties, or an image of yourself. However you prefer. It depends on each business.To see your design, click either on the mobile or on the desktop icon, located at the top right side of your dashboard.If you click on the desktop icon, you will see your email as your readers will see it from a laptop or a desktop.And if you click on the cell phone icon, you will see your email as your readers will see it from their cell phone.As you write and edit your email, click back on those 2 icons to see your progress.6. When you've finished your email click on "Next", located at the top right corner of your dashboard.7. Then, flodesk will ask you to put an address. Click on "Continue" and fill in the data.You can put a general address, if you don't want to put your address (in case, for example, that you operate your business from home).When I say a general address I mean, on "Street address" you can put the name of your street, without putting your number. Or may be, just the name of your city.And then on "City" you put the name of your city again (or the name of your State instead). And please fill in the "Post / zip code" of your city.Obviously, you can put your full personal address or your full business address as it is, if you want.An address is required in emails coming from an email marketing software by new email laws in order to comply with anti-spam regulations.Your address will appear in small letters at the bottom of your email.Keep in mind that putting your full address will transmit more confidence to your email subscribers. It's up to you if you put your full address or not (or just a general one). But you still have to fill in something to proceed ;)When you have filled in your address, click on "Save".Your address will remain saved for future emails. You can change it any time you want.8. Then, click on "Next", in the top right corner of your dashboard.Now flodesk will tell you that "Your social icons are not linked"...You can either link the icons that you want (each icon to each social media account that your business has). Or you can delete that section, however you prefer.If you choose to delete that section, go to the bottom of your email, click on the "Social block settings" section, and delete it (click on the trash icon).9. To proceed to send your email, click on "Next", at the top right corner of your dashboard.Now, flodesk will ask you "Who's this email coming from?"In other words, the name that your email subscribers will see and from whom they are receiving the email...Fill in your name, or the name of your business, depending on your case.Then click on "Continue".10. Now flodesk will ask you to "Write your subject", meaning, the title of your email.You can also write a little preview of your text if you want. This is optional.Click on "Continue".11. Then, flodesk asks you to "Choose your recipients"......what does that mean..?Your recipients mean, your "Segment" or "Segments" list/s. It means...which email subscriber list/s will your email be sent to?You can choose more than 1 list, if you want to. And in case you have several lists.Click on "Add segments".Then click on the box "Include" to display your lists.And then, choose the list, or lists (email subscriber "Segment" or "Segments") that this email in particular will be sent to...Click on "Save". Then click on "Continue".12. Now, flodesk will ask you "When should you send this email?"You can send it "Now" (right away);
or you can send it "Later" (in which case, you have to schedule the day and time it will be sent).
I assume that you want to send it right away ("Now"). But anyways, you also have the option to program it (by clicking on "Later").Prior to sending your email......you can choose to send a test of your email. In this step, you can send a test to yourself, to see how your email will look like.If you do want to send a test, click on "Send a test", located at the top right corner of your dashboard.On "Recipients", type in your email. Then click on "Send test now".13. To proceed to send your email, choose to send it "Now" or "Later".If you choose "Later" you have to choose a day and a time. After you choose your "Date" and "Time", click on "Schedule". And then, click on "Schedule it" again, where it says "Let's double check!"Done! ;)And to send your email right away, simply click on "Now". Then, click on "Send now". And then click again on "Send now", where it says "Let's double check!":)You're all set! You're all done!That is how you send an email from your flodesk dashboard!It's a lot of instructions. But! Once you get it, it will take you less than a minute to do it.

Send a test email to yourself

Another way to send a test email / test emails to yourself is when you're editing your email template.You can send several email tests to yourself as you edit your email, to see your progress and see how your email will look like once you send it to your email subscribers / your leads.How to do it?In the upper left corner of your dashboard (when you edit your email template), just below the flodesk logo, you will find a small paper plane icon. Click on that icon. Then, on "Recipents", type in your email and click on "Send test now."Sending test emails to yourself will help you see how your email looks like, before you send it to your email subscribers ;)

Save your work

If for some reason you have to go when you're editing an email and before you send it, save it!To save your work, simply click on the flodesk logo (return to your main dashboard), and your work will be saved.To continue editing your email, simply get back to the emails section. Click on "Emails", at the top of your dashboard. And then simply click on the email template that you were editing.

Just do it!

Don't try to send the perfect email. Just try out the platform!The most important thing when when you start sending emails for your business, whether it is about news, products, announcements, new arrivals, related topics, customer stories, or anything, is......that you actually send them!;)Go for it!The most important thing is that you start gaining confidence in sending emails to grow your business.Just do it. Write an email. Click send. Gain confidence. Earn money. Avoid perfectionism.Earn money. Earn money. Earn money :)Just go for it!

Start small

Start small. It is much better to send a short email than to not send any email at all.Start by writing short, 5 minute emails.You can even start by writing 2 or 3 minute emails!A short email could even perform better than a long one (who knows!). People could read it from beginning to end more often than a long email.But the most important thing about starting by writing short emails is that starting small will help you "break the ice" to send your first emails.Break the ice...Once you "break the ice", you will start gaining confidence in your writing. And also, you will start gaining experience in email marketing ;)Start small. Yet, see the big picture. Flodesk is a tool that can help you so much in growing your business.You have a long way to go with flodesk (and many, many sales for your business in between).Little by little you'll begin to learn things about email marketing......you'll learn what works best for your business and your industry......you'll learn what works best to make sales, sales, sales, and more sales......and you'll learn what doesn't work (which you will avoid).Over time, you'll learn how to be more efficient with your writing and with your emails.1 year from now you will have a lot of experience learned on email marketing from your own writing and your own emails.Isn't that exciting..!!??;)But start small. Right now, just break the ice. Avoid perfectionism. Send short emails.

Resend an email to all unopens

People are busy and sometimes they will just miss out!Sometimes, your email subscribers / leads will not open your emails.It doesn't matter. Remember that flodesk doesn't cap the number of emails you can send. For $19 dollars a month, you can send unlimited emails to unlimited subscribers.;)Any email that dind't get open, you can resend!! (with 0 extra cost)Flodesk gives you the possiblity to do that with a simple click. To resend an email to all unopens (all your email subscribers that didn't open it), do this...1. Click on the flodesk logo, at the top left side of your dashboard, to go to your general dashboard.2. Then click on "Emails", at the top of the page, to go to the emails section.3. Choose an (any) email you've sent. Click on the 3 dots icon, located at the top right corner of that email. Then click on "Resend to unopens".Done!:)Your email subscribers that didn't open X email (any email that you've already sent and you choose to) will receive it again.Remember to allow some time to pass before you send an email again to unopens, to avoid looking spammy. You can wait 1, 2, or even 3 days...

See your analytics

After you've sent an email, you will be able to see how well it performed. To do that...1. Click on the flodesk logo to go to your general dashboard.2. Then click on "Emails", at the top of the page, to go to the section where you can see all the emails you've sent.3. Then...you can either view detailed analytics or general analytics......to view detailed analytics of any email you sent, click on that email where it says "View results";...and to view general analytics of any email you sent, click on the 3 lines icon that is in the lower right corner of that email, if you just want a general perspective of how well it performed.You can always come back to see any changes in the performance of any of your emails, because, most likely, their performance will continue to change. That is because some people will keep opening your emails as time goes by. Some people soon, and some people later.;)Much success!!!!

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

email templates

Sending an email with flodesk is easy as pie.The platform has many pre-built email templates, which you can use any time you want. And, as many times as you want.Look for a template that fits the message that you're trying to deliver.You can also get some good ideas of types of emails you can send, just by browsing through flodesk's email templates.There are many templates! Look for a template you like and use it to grow your business ;)Starting your email with a pre-built email template makes your email so much easier to compose. It's like having the baseline over which you will write your email.The whole idea is already there, you just have to polish it with your own business details...

Types of templates you can find

These are some of the pre-built email templates that you can find in your flodesk dashboard.You can use any template you like to send emails to grow your business...→ Welcome - templates:Basically, to say "Welcome" to your new email subscribers / leads.Here, you will find "Freebie" templates as well, which you can program to deliver a freebie once you get a new email subscriber / lead.Remember that you can automate your freebie delivery in the "Workflows" section, in your dashboard. Delivering a freebie is a very good way in which you can grow your email list.Among these templates, you will also find a template that you can use to write about yourself or your business ("About me" / "About X business"), as an introduction of your brand to your new email subscribers.You can also program an email like that (a brand introduction email) to be delivered automatically as soon as a new email subscriber joins your list.→ Thank you - templates:Are similar to "Welcome" templates, but with a "Thank you" message instead. With "Thank you" templates you can show some gratitude to your email subscribers. Or simply say "Thank you".It can be for anything. You can program a "Thank you" email to be delivered to your new email subscribers / leads, just for joining your email list, for example :)→ Make money - templates:Are templates designed specifically to sell and earn money -the reason we're all here!!!!-.:)You can see many ideas on your dashboard.Among others, you can find...a "Multi-product" sales template;
a "Social proof" template;
an "Offer a coupon" template;
a "Sell a digital product" template;
a "Sale announcement" template;
a "Countdown" template (which provokes a sense of urgency to buy);
and more.
→ Share news - templates:Are designed to keep your email subscribers / leads informed.Use these templates to share news about your business. Any update. Or use them to feed a newsletter.Browse through these templates to get some ideas ;)→ Inspiration - templates:Is a section of mixed templates. You can find templates that you can use in different cases:to sell;
to share stories;
or to interact with your email subscribers / leads (to get feedback from your customers, for example).
→ Plain text - templates:Templates based on text only (with no images, unlike all the other templates).Visually less appealing templates than the rest. Yet they can be very useful if you want to focus on sharing a long message with your audience.→ Start from scratch:You can always start an email from scratch. But you got plenty of templates to use, edit, and get a lot of entertainment with!!;)

Save any email you send, as a template

Once you've sent an email, you can save it as a template as well, so you can reuse it later.Most likely, most of your emails will be created from pre-built flodesk templates that you will edit, rather than "From scratch".But, in any case......whether you create an email from scratch......or from a flodesk pre-built template......after you finish editing your email and send it to your email subscribers / leads, you will be able to save that email as a template.This is very useful because, in the future, it will save you a lot of time to be able to simply go back to your templates to send an email.Yes, probably, you will still have to edit some text or an image on a template that you created before that you will reuse. But having your own templates saved will save you time either way.Remember that every day you get new email subscribers. So, you can even use old templates (emails that you sent before to older email subscribers) and send them to your new email subscribers as they are, without editing a single word. It is an option, if it applies.To save an email that you sent as a template, follow these steps:1. On your flodesk dashboard, click on the flodesk logo, to go back to your general dashboard.2. Then click on "Emails", to go to all your emails section.3. Find an email that you sent before and that you'd like to save as a template.4. On the email, click on the 3 dots icon, located at the top right corner.When you click it, it will display a menu. Click on "Duplicate". And there you have it!;)Your email is now duplicated into an email template for further reuse.

Create a collection of templates

When you've sent enough emails, your flodesk "Emails" section may start to look messy.If you have a lot of emails / email templates, it can take you a little time to find a specific one that you're looking for (if you want to reuse it, for example).It can become useful to start organizing your email templates into collections (folders).This is optional, of course.To create a collection of email templates, follow these steps:1. Click on the flodesk logo, to go to your general dashboard.2. Then, click on "Folders", right next to where it says "My emails", at the top left side of your dashboard.3. Then click on the black button that says "New folder" to create one. And add some email templates to your folder.You can categorize (organize) your email templates in so many ways:→ By product emails;
→ by service emails;
→ by product categories;
→ by service categories;
→ by sales emails;
→ by seasonal emails;
→ by events emails;
→ by announcements emails;
→ by limited offer emails;
→ by business updates emails;
→ by giveaway emails;
→ and so on.
It depends on every business. But in general, you can use the above as ideas for your email template collections (email template "Folders").If your business works with many products, say, with 20 different products, you could create 1 folder of email templates for each 1 of those products......and send specialized emails by product. This is just an idea.There's really so many ways.To add an email template to a "Folder" (folder name) you've created, do this...1. Click on the flodesk logo to go to your general dashboard.2. Click on "Emails", at the top of the page, to go to your emails section.In the section "My emails", search an email template that you want to send to a determined "Folder" (folder name).3. Then click on the 3 dots icon, located at the top right side of the email template you chose.When you click, it will display a menu. Click where it says "Add to folder".You can choose to send your email template to a "Folder" (folder name) that already exists. Or you can create one on the go, just after you click on "Add to folder".:)Aaaand...done!! ;)

Keep this in mind

If you do decide to organize your email templates in folders, avoid this:To mix your emails (sent emails) and email templates in the same folder.Why..?You want to be more efficient with your folders, right?This is the reason: from an email that you already sent, you can only see its analytics (and not reuse it to send future emails, unless you "Duplicate" it to convert it into an email template).Only email templates you can reuse to send future emails.So I would recommend that you avoid organizing in the same folder past sent emails, which only show analytics and you cannot reuse, with email templates, whose purpose is further reuse to send future emails.In other words, I recommend that you don't mix what you can reuse with what you cannot reuse. Just a recommendation ;)But don't worry. Remember that you can turn any sent email into an email template. Take a look at it a this same section.

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

roi vs. cost

I've spoken a lot about flodesk, so let me just speak a little more :)Imagine building a list of 10,000, 15,000 or 35,000 email subscribers and paying $19 dollars a month to be able to email all of them!!!Like...what!!??I simply don't think there's another email platform that has higher benefits for what it costs.If you find one, let me know!;)

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

Who is
flodesk for?

Flodesk helps and serves......any type of business;
...and any type of entrepreneur.
That is because......any business or entrepreneur can benefit from using email marketing. And with flodesk, even more!Flodesk is for any type of business or entrepreneur who is constantly looking for ways to expand and grow.If you're looking for a way to become more efficient in your life and your business, flodesk is for you.Click the button below to sign-up.

Start with the best platform

If you have never used email marketing to grow your business before, the next wink is your cue to get started:;)You're lucky! Click the button below to sign-up and get 50% off for your whole first year.Try it for free ;)No card is required to get start started.Flodesk really is the best email marketing platform out there...

Import your email list

If you're already using email marketing to grow your business, but you're doing it on a different platform, you can import your list to start working with a MUCH more affordable and flat-price solution (flodesk).Stop paying more money for email subscribers that you add to your list! It doesn't make any sense...You want a business ally (flodesk), not a platform that doesn't feel like such.Here comes the wink again, take it as a cue to import your email list to flodesk...;)To import your email list and continue growing it in flodesk, follow these steps:1. Click on the flodesk logo, at the top left side of your dashboard, to go to your general dashboard.2. Then click on "Audience", at the top of the page.3. Then, click on the black button that says "Add subscriber". And then, click on "Upload CSV" to import your email list.Choose your CSV file (meaning, your Excel format file) to upload your email list.Most likely, your current email marketing platform has an option to downoad your whole email subscribers list as a CSV file.:)Done!


Whether you are...A blogger;
a realtor;
an influencer;
a photographer;
an artist;
a podcaster;
an e-commerce store owner;
a doctor;
a business coach;
a fitness coach;
any type of coach;
a painter;
a therapist;
a dog trainer;
a crafts maker;
a language instructor;
a travel agent;
a nutritionist;
an author;
a designer;
a restaurant owner;
a commissions-based salesperson;
a lawyer;
a musician;
a jewelry maker;
an accountant;
an event planner;
a wedding planner;
an architect;
a freelancer;
a comedian;
a chef;
a stylist;
a social media manager;
or any, any type of entrepreneur...
...flodesk can help you grow your business...Start collecting emails and building your list with a flodesk link in bio. Sign-up below.


Whether you are...A startup;
a coffee shop;
a restaurant;
a bar;
a food service business;
a catering business;
a travel agency;
a motel / a hotel;
a vineyard;
a digital store;
a physical store;
an agricultural business;
a wellness resort business;
an events planning and organization business;
a car rental business;
a real estate business;
a flower-design and service for events business;
a software as as service (saas) business;
an interior design business;
a fitness business;
a gym;
a garden design business;
a monthly subscription based business;
a bookstore;
a marketplace;
an e-learning business;
a marketing agency business;
a brick and mortar business;
or any, any, any type of business...
...flodesk can help you grow through email marketing with a beautiful link in bio...Click on the button below to sign-up.

Institutions and organizations

Whether you are...A school;
a university;
a foundation;
a non-profit organization;
a center for research;
a church;
a government institution or agency;
a hospital or healthcare center;
a public library;
an association;
a museum;
a cultural institution;
a community center;
or any other type of organization or institution...
...flodesk can help you grow, either your business, your affluence of people, or your instutution's / organization's awareness...

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)


How to grow your email list

All this is to grow your business, right?Specifically, the goal is that you grow your email list as much as you can. And ultimately, that you use your email list to get sales, sales, sales, and more sales for your business. That you make money out of your email list.Remember that your monthly price won't increase for growing your email list, no matter how big you manage to grow it ;)So...what are some ways in which you can grow your list? Let's get to it...

How to get people to sign-up to your email list?

There are many ways. You have to be creative.Specific ways to do this depends on every business in particular. Every business is different. But once again, just get a little bit creative ;)But, in general...1. Give Calls To Action (CTA's)Always! Super important!!Just like that: tell people to sign-up to your email list.Where do you give your CTA's?In your stories and posts. But specially, in your stories, in the stories of all the social media accounts that your business has.Do this always :)When I say always I mean, every single day! It's super important that you constantly give CTA's to people who watch your stories.Some people may just be passing by a social media account of your business, but if they see a Call To Action, they can get into your list!On the other hand, if you don't give a Call To Action every day, people who are just passing by (who don't follow you) will leave without subscribing. You will miss the chance!You can also give CTA's in your posts. You can use a carousell type of post, where you use post # 1 to talk about your business / your products and post # 2 to give your CTA -to tell people to sign-up to your email list!-.You can also give your Calls To Action in the caption of every post.What should you tell people when you give a CTA?Just like that, tell your business' social media account visitors to click (or go to) your link in bio to subscribe to your email list.Give people a good reason to join. Even though you most likely want to sell them your valuable products or services, you need to add value first.Tell them what type of content they can expect...news about your business;
news about your products;
special sales and discounts;
and so on...
You can give them a discount for their 1st purchase, which they will get on email by subscribing to your email list.2. Give a freebieYou can also give away a freebie about some topic related to your business.A freebie is a PDF where you talk (write) about a topic that you know (related to your business) and that is created to get leads for your business.A freebie adds value in a certain way. For example, if you're a fitness coach you can create a "5 healthy breakfast and dinner recipes for all the week".And you give your CTA in your stories:"Click my link in bio to receive my 5 healthy breakfast and dinner recipes for all the week! You'll receive them in your email."People will want your freebie because it adds (free) value to their lives. But they will have to join your email list to get it.A freebie also builds trust amongst your subscribers / leads and can help you get sales in the future, precisely because of the trust component.;)

When you get a new email subscriber

These are some of the things you can do when a lead joins your email list. You have to send a first email. So, you could...→ Say "Thank you" first. If you deliver a Thank you email your subscribers / leads will feel good and appreciated.You can say something as simple as "Thank you for joining", and a short, 1 paragraph message.Not only that, but they will also be more eager to read your emails in the future ;)→ Deliver a "Welcome" email. Welcome and Thank You emails are very similar in a sense, but they deliver a little bit of a different message. You can send a Welcome email instead, if you prefer.Again, it can be as short as a 1 paragraph message. Give your subscribers a warm welcome to your business' email list.→ Another thing you can do is to deliver an "Introduction" email, so that people have a better understanding of who you are (or who your business is), what do you (or your business) offer, and how can you help them...This is super important. People want value. Be clear in your statement of "How" can you help them :)


Remember that you can deliver any type of email automatically when a new subscriber joins your email list.Whether it is...a "Thank you" email;
a "Welcome" email;
a "Freebie" email;
or an "Introduction" email that talks about your business.
You can also deliver any other type of email that you want, prefer, or comes to mind.Just go to the "Workflows" section in your flodesk dashboard, to set up your automation.

Email subjects you can send

Don't run out of subjects!As you get more used to sending emails, you will also get more and more creative!!Over time, you will be able to come up with new ideas more easily to write your emails. You will simply get better.If you want to sell, you probably already have a lot to speak (write) about, which is super fine.Always try to add value and try to alternate your emails with some other type of content (not only sales) as well.It can be anything, for example, you can mix in your emails stories of customers who use your products with links that direct your email readers (your leads) to your products or services, so that they can purchase.Mix sales with other type of content as well :)Here are some ideas of types of emails you can send to your leads (email subscribers):→ Send emails to share fun content;
→ send emails to run a contest where the winner/s will win 1 product or service that your business offers (or a discount);
→ send emails to share results or transformations that your customers had using your products or services;
→ send emails with promotional offers;
→ send emails to get / ask for feedback from existing customers, it will allow your business to get better;
→ send emails to gather testimonials of customers using your products or services;
→ send emails to share content related to your business;
→ send emails to promote events;
→ send emails to share tips or ideas that can help your customers or can get your leads to buy;
→ send emails to share testimonials of customers using your products or services, it will help you close leads that haven't purchased yet;
→ send emails to share behind the scenes content of your business, to build a closer relationship with your customers;
→ send emails to share ideas on how to get the most out of your products or services...
In other words, try to always be interactive, entertaining, or fun...Of course, each email can have its "salesy" part. You can always add links that lead to your products or services, so that people can make a purchase with every email you send.But it is refreshing for your email subscribers / leads to receive some different kind of content as well.Use the above for ideas. As I said before, you can mix any of the above with a "salesy" part (links to your products or services) within the same email.Much luck! And many sales!;)


Never abandon your list! :)What would be the point of building an email list if you send little to no emails to your subscribers / leads?Try to send at least (like, at least) 1 email per week. That's 4 emails in a month. Very, very doable.It can take you some minutes to write down your email and to edit your email template (images and stuff...), but! it may bring you some sales!In the end, it's a little bit of work but you want to make money, right?That's the point of sending your email and the reason why we're here: you want to sell and earn money.That small effort of writing and sending an email will be worth it.;)Be consistent with your frequency of sending emails.Try to send a similar amount of emails (whatever number you choose) every week, so that your email subscribers / leads get used to that frequency and somehow wait for your emails.And at the same time, don't overload them with emails! Don't jump from sending 2 emails a week to sending 8 emails a week, because then you may look a little bit spammy...If you want to change the aproximate number of emails that you send each week, do it gradually, adding 1 email per week.Being consistent with any number of emails you choose to send will help you avoid looking spammy.If it's as little as 1 email a week, that's ok! Do 1 a week. If it's 2 - 4 a week, that's super fine! Do 2 to 4 every week. It's your business. You choose. I just recommed that you stay consistent.

Go back to your email templates

Remember that pretty soon, it will be very easy for you to remain consistent, because any email that you sent in the past you will be able to save as a template and resend it to your leads after a certain period of time.You can wait, for exmaple, 1 month, before you resend the same email again.You can resend an email as many times as you want! Flodesk doesn't limit you on that (or, anything...).How many times you will actually resend an email depends on how many email templates you have. And your personal choices.But just remember that you can always go back to your email templates to keep being consistent in sending emails to grow your business.You can keep a record on an Excel or on Google Sheets page to see when was the last time that you sent X email (just so you don't send it too soon again).For that, you could simply update the day that you sent X (any) email template next to the name of that same template.

Try out new things

Every business is unique.Always try out new ways of writing and sending your emails. Try new titles. Try new ways to place your links in your emails -at the beginning, in the middle, at the end-. Try new ways to place your pictures. Try new things to see how people respond to them and to see how many sales each email brings to your business!Over time, say in 6 months, you'll learn a lot. You will just be better at it! You will earn more money with your emails!

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

Ideas of
you can sell

Use flodesk to sell digital products. Here are some ideas...→ E-book.
→ Wedding planning guides.
→ Travel guides for newlywed couples with specific go to places (like specific museums and romantic restaurants to visit and so on).
→ Fitness guides.
→ Photo sessions.
→ Photos.
→ Printable items-to-take-with-you checklists for specific travels or expeditions. 1 checklist per destination.
→ Printable items-to-start checklists for specific activities or hobbies.
→ Printables for kids, for coloring.
→ Other printables for kids, for learning. For example, printables for doing math exercises.
→ Printable games for a friend's reunion.
→ Instagram stories and posts about a subject you know well.
→ A masterclass about a topic of your expertise.
→ Digital planners for productivity. You can create daily, weekly, and monthly planners.
→ Meal planners to keep a record of your calories intake.
→ Stories for instagram engagement (made for different types of businesses).
→ Tickets for events.
→ Meal planners to follow a specific diet or fitness plan.
→ Music.
→ Self-care routines.
→ Beauty routines.
→ Digital outfit style mixes.
→ Event planning.
→ Email templates.
→ Canva templates.
→ A guide on how to be(come) better at X industry. For example, a guide on key things to know to become a better realtor (or a better X; or better at X).
→ Wellness consultations.
→ Virtual coaching sessions.
→ Weightloss journey trackers.
→ Copywriting.
→ Social media content planners.
→ Online yoga classes.
→ Financial consulting.
→ Printable checklists for a fitness program for each day of the week.
→ 1 - 1 online fitness coaching.
→ 1 - 1 online therapy sessions.
→ Photo sessions.
→ 1 - 1 social media strategy sessions.
→ Video courses.
→ Legal templates.
→ Other travel guides.
→ "How to do X" PDF guides.
→ Online business / performance coaching.
→ Seats for an online workshop.
→ Printable journals.
→ Freebies for different types of businesses.
→ Website templates.
→ Online (recorded) dog training courses.
→ Graphic design.
→ Web design.
→ Top tips guides.
→ Dog walking sessions.
→ Business branding services.
→ Recipes. Vegan recipes. Mediterranean recipes. Protein based recipes. And so on...
→ Lightroom presets.
→ Virtual assistance.
→ Web design.
→ Photoshop templates.
→ Interactive quizzes for businesses.
→ Interactive quizzes for games with friends.
→ Language learning resources. Like flashcards, guides, and practice exercises.
→ Storybooks for kids.
→ Digital art.
→ Guided metitations.
And so on...;)

Flodesk can help you grow your business. Follow the steps in section 18 to get started, create your link in bio within minutes ;)

Much success

Much success in your flodesk journey!!!!!!!;)Tutorial made with much 🖤, hope you find it helpful.

© Grow My Business With Email